Fight Corruption in Europe
129 Members of the European Parliament, 23 Countries, 6 Political Groups.
One Goal: Fight Corruption in Europe
About us
The Anti-Corruption Intergroup is a cross-party initiative of 129 Members of the European Parliament, headed by a cross-party bureau. We have established this Intergroup because we believe that the fight against corruption is not a fight that single actors can win. Through joining our forces, we want to bring together expertise and conduct joint political initiatives aimed at eliminating corruption in the EU. We want the EU to step up its fight against corruption and fraud not only in its Member States but also work to make EU institutions more transparent and accountable.
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International Anti-Corruption Day: EU needs to step up fight against corruption
Posted by PinaOn today’s international anti-corruption day, the Anti-Corruption Intergroup in the European Parliament would like to reflect on the EU’s performance in…
Anti-Corruption Intergroup: Swift ratification of Rule of Law conditionality needed
Posted by PinaFaced with a sound proposal on tying the disbursement of EU funds to the rule of law, the Hungarian and Polish…
Intergroup demands EU compliance with international anti-corruption obligations
Posted by PinaIt’s been 12 years that the EU has ratified the UN Convention against Corruption and thereby obliged itself to carry out…
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● Regular Anti-corruption report by Commission;
● Strengthening the mandate of EPPO and OLAF;
● Support the Rule of Law mechanism;
● Strengthen media freedom, pluralism and journalists’ safety;
● Bring Council in for lobby transparency rules;
● Independent ethics body monitoring conflicts of interest, revolving door and lobby transparency
● Increasing transparency of Council working methods;
● End Citizenship for Sale and Golden Visa programmes in the EU;
● Ensure the effectiveness of public registers of beneficial ownership;
● Introduce Global Magnitsky Act at EU level that would ban human-rights abusers and corrupt officials from entering the EU and allow freezing their assets
● Bringing together expertise from Member States, EU-institutions, academia and NGOs
● appeals and open letters to EU institutions, Member States, or third countries
● actively drafting proposals towards the Commission on anti-corruption policies
● written questions to Commission and Council
● drafting resolutions of the European Parliament
● common amendments to reports
2 Co-Chairs
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2 MEPs for EPP, S&D, Renew, Greens, GUE, ECR, 1 MEP for M5S
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